To do or not to do..

        I can honesty say that I have a masters degree in the Arts of Procrastination and Circumstance manipulation through the development of solid excuses. Actually, I think that it is a trait that I have unfortunately passed on to my daughter. Until now, realizing the potential harm in my daughter's future, I was quite comfortable with this.  I found myself doing some of those same things. that is why I am having trouble at being awesome! I knew there was a reason. My passion is great my mind is greater..I should be doing everything I do at a level of complete awesomeness!

      However, after a parent-teachers conference where I was told that she is a brilliant child who tries very little is distracted too easily and doesn't finish what she starts, I began to think of ways to help her overcome these obstacles of learning starting with changing me.
        So, my internet search for reading material began. Those who seek shall find! Some of the most helpful information that I found is on a website that I most certainly would like to share. It was an article that read "The Power of Structured Procrastination" By Walter Chen on .  I never thought that I could use this trait in a good way to actually help me get things done. In lesser words he explains how the procrastinator has a childish rebellion in him/her to much rather do the fun, shiny thing even when it isn't the smartest way to spend your time. Yup, that is me me me. Give me FUN and SHINY!
 According to Mr. Chen, the way to defeat this urge is to "trick" your own mind into actually giving in to your procrastination by creating a to-do list and skipping the one thing you don't want to do; then you start on another task from your list instead of turning to time wasting activities. He does state that it is best to start with the activity that is the most important one. This article is a must read. I could not possible state his complete idea here in just a few words. 
      I am always on a quest of ways to better myself. Isn't that the whole meaning of life? I read quality books as often as I can and some of my favorite authors are:
 Dr. Wayne Dyer
Jack Canfield
Tony Robbins
These are a few in the self-help department.
Have a great day everyone and Thanks for reading! :)


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