Inspirational Beginings!

      Having lived the first half of my life in America, I am considered an "American" to those who know me here in Greece. Having lived the second half of my life here on an island in Greece, I am considered "Greek" when  I return back to the states and visit family and friends. WHO AM I?  A bit of a dilemma actually even for me. I was born, raised and educated in the US, however I lived my adult years here in Greece. 
      At times I feel like a foreigner to all lands, a misfit.  I am always defending the opposite country.  My opinions and way of life are strongly affected by both worlds simultaneously. I love both my countries.  I couldn't have one without the other.  It's a lonely path at times when no one quite understands me or feels the way I do.  But that's okay with me, I've always felt differently than the masses and I've never followed the crowd. 
    Traveling through my past in thought, I realize that even though I found it quite difficult to relate to the my fellow Greek citizens, there is an indescribable feeling deep in my bones  that makes me belong. There is a type of freedom here that is non-existent in any other land. Not the same kind of freedom that I grew up with in America, it's more of an individual freedom. Perhaps it is this freedom that doesn't allow us to "fit in"with the rest of the European Union. We refuse to change in any way, we can only be ourselves, each individually. It might be the root of all our problems. There is no routine or set way of life that we all must follow. It is a culture that has been around since ancient times. Greece has always been a peaceful nation never getting into anyone's business. Unfortunately, even here greed, power and money created a corrupt government that has destroyed our peace. Whenever we make things more important than people only misery can follow. Regardless of the circumstances and difficulties we are facing it is my choice to be here still.
     There is definitely a reason for every little thing that happens or exists in this universe. I believe that God has embedded in each of us a special something. Our quest in this lifetime is to discover it. When we finally realize what we are here for,  there is an amazing amount of joy, peace and success that follows.  I am on that journey and finally I've found some answers. I hope to share them with you. 


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