
Some believe that believing in God means you expect misery and difficulties as a normal daily challenge.

They believe that you must suffer and sacrifice in order to be a good christian. That life in not easy and

happiness could be found only after death in the heavens above.

Well, if you expect those things, then that's pretty much what your gonna get. In my humble opinion,

when I had believed those things myself not only would nothing but bad stuff happen to me, but I was

 constantly upset and depressed and continuously complained about my misfortune. Unable to help myself,

I obviously couldn't help others around me. Religion became something so difficult and demanding that I

almost stopped believing. Everything felt like make believe, just like Santa and the Easter Bunny, just like

the magic tricks that you eventually uncover. Something just didn't feel right. There was some

very important information missing in my definition of life.

I've come to realize that God doesn't want my unhappiness or suffering. He wants my love and faith. In

return, I receive unlimited resources to a happy life and the knowledge and understanding to get through the

tough times and not wallow in them.  Now I am able to see and appreciate all the daily blessings that had

always been there for me yet my perspective was so different then that I could not see them. Instead of

feeling as though I deserve punishment for not being the ideal christian, I am in a constant state of gratitude

for all that I have. Life was a never ending cycle of events that seemed out of my control, until I took control.

I have found purpose and I have created my goals toward my successful future that I know I deserve. Of

course no person achieves success alone. I believe that it is always a team effort, weather it means a

supportive spouse, a wise professor, great friends, cooperating co workers, a personal union with God, or

all of the above. During our lifetimes we are always learning and taking from one another in some way or

form. We are faced with countless opportunities to love and help one another. I believe that is what God

wants. Mankind, the universe and all of it's existence are one. God wants us to be happy! Life is amazing and

wonderful, decide to enjoy it starting now!


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