Don't compare your happiness!

What makes you happy?

For everyone it is something different, because after all we are all different 

and unique, right?

I'm sure that is a statement we all know. So, then why do we compare what 

makes happy with someone else? If crocheting gives you joy, let it ..don't 

compare it with the millionaire on the yacht and think; sitting on my comfy 

couch making this pretty design is nice, but imagine if I had a yacht ? Well,

guess what you have what you want and need to have in life according to 

your choices. Enjoy your happy, shiny moment that gives you a smile and 

warmth in your heart instead of sabotaging your joy with the stereotype of 

what happy means.

We have all been programmed from a very early age, according to others,

what  the ideal picture of happiness is, or should be. In our minds therefore

we compare whatever nice moments we have to that vision and soon our 

personal joyful moment becomes unimportant or sometimes overlooked 


Every single moment my daughter hands me a drawing is a happy moment. 

Every time she smiles at me and says I love you is happiness.

Every time we hug really tight and pretend to squeeze all the love out of us is 

a priceless moment.

I consider myself super lucky to be able to enjoy and notice all the blessing in 

my life and in the world around me. I notice all the stars in the sky as I take 

my dog for a walk at night, not just by looking up at them. I really look deep 

far out there and try to imagine how tiny I am standing in my spot on the 

earth and what a miracle it is that I don't just fall off. I breath in the clean air 

and indulge in the view of the villages on the mountains across. Every little 

thing  has life and meaning. Every little thing matters. Life is so amazing. 

Every second of it. 

When someone asks me if I am happy living in this world going through this 

economical crisis as I sit on my comfy couch with my daughters feet on my 

lap, my dogs head resting on my slipper and my hubby flicking the channels as 

I crochet, my answer without hesitation is a yes with a big grin on my face 

and warmth in my heart. Besides, I get seasick and I don't like caviar.


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