When in crisis.....

    Perhaps living in Greece at the moment is not the wisest of choices one can make. For me, every day is a emotional struggle. I know that there are many people out there living in conditions much worse than mine, so along with the feeling that my pockets are empty and I can't afford that little extra thing my daughter asked me to buy her, I also feel guilty for not trying to keep my head up high until the worst is over.

     Most of the time I admit that my lifestyle, although compromised greatly, is actually pretty good.  We own our own home, we don't owe any money to anyone, we are blessed to live on such a beautiful island and we are all in good health.  

    I shouldn't be complaining or depressed given these conditions. I should be feeling grateful and blessed. I should be thinking of creative ways to stretch my euro. The artist in me should be discovering new ways to entertain and uplift my family. There is a long list of shoulds. However, there are more lists that call my attention. The list of needs is quite long and so is the list of wants. I can not just accept all of this misery as an economical crises that we can do nothing about. 

    All of this has got me thinking that weather we like it or not, money is closely related to happiness. You can have moments of happiness without it, just as you can have a lot of it and not be happy. The bottom line is, in most circumstances you can't have one without the other. This is a very dramatizing and sad realization for me. I never had a lot of money and I never cared to acquire it.  Simple things have always made me happy.

     If I had to state how this economical crises has changed me, I would say that it has shaken me from my comfortable life and driven me to thirst for more. It has strengthened me. I want to be something beyond successful in all I do. I want to achieve all my goals and create the future as I see it. I want more!

    This past Sunday, after church services we didn't come home and have lunch as usual. We escaped into nature to enjoy the clear blue sky and the warmth of the springtime sun.  As I strolled along the olive trees and vineyards I took in the smells and sounds of the mountain and listened to the small trickling creek nearby rolling over the rocks. There is a peaceful fulfillment found when connecting with nature and the earth.  I checked the freshly planted gardens and noticed the tall artichoke plants growing proudly. I realized that these things happen regardless of the economy. Nature calms, protects,provides and nurtures us for free. The olive doesn't ask the tree about its gains or losses, it just grows. 

                                  The ancient old olive trees

Just one week of olive picking and we made out own extra virgin olive oil  !!! We have enough to last us 2 years and some left to sell.

My proud artichokes!

No one gets left out on our trips to the mountain , even the pet rabbit tags along!
This photo is one from a couple weeks ago..we like our escapes into nature. Actually, we live about 10 minutes from this area. To be honest, anyplace you go on the island is magnificent!

Springtime everywhere!


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